Today we started learning about Trigonometric Identities. The following slide shows the definitions of a trigonometric function and a trigonometric identity. We learned that identities are a lot of logic and used a circle, triangle, and square to figure out some of the concepts of identities. We also used Graphmatica to check. It's important to remember that a graph can disprove an identity, but it cannot prove one.

common identities we will be using. Note that the first slide needs to be memorized, but the identities from the second slide are found on our formula sheet.

This slide shows an example using an identity to solve a problem. One thing to note is the rationalization of the answer. Mr. Max said that he prefers a rationalized answer, but we won't lose marks on the exam if they aren't. Just watch if he puts on the tests to rationalize our answers.

Here is an example of how to simplify an equation using identities.

The assignment from the cumulative exercises for tonight:

So you may have noticed the word nefarious seemingly randomly placed on one of the slides. Here's the definition: extremely wicked or villainous. It was used in reference to a plot that each of us are capable of concocting, but most certainly never would. Hopefully that clarifies for anyone else who didn't understand.
Again, I would appreciate questions and or comments about my post that would go towards making it better. Adios.
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