Monday, March 24, 2008


Hello everyone. Today Mr. Max taught us about LOG's. We defined them and wrote some notes about the properties of LOG's. Here are the screenshots from today:

Seems like it won't be too terribly hard. He also reminded us that doing the cumulative excercises really does help.

He also gave us a game plan for the week:

Monday(today)-define LOG's
Tuesday-Law's of LOG's
Wednesday-Solving LOG's with theorems
Thursday-Natural LOG's("i")

Some notes about Thursday:
-Mr.Max is planning on teaching a lesson, so if you haven't signed up for "Team Stuff Day", DONT!
- 19 Objectives are due on Thursday at 3:40! Don't leave it till the last minute(like I tend to do...)

Well, since there will be more people than just me putting stuff up today, I'll keep it short and sweet. You can hear what they have to say. Later!

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