Several of you are going to want to thank Anna for her polite, kind, and pleasant demeanour this afternoon. Here's why.....It seems as though in my haste to create a nice little test for you all to practice up your trig./solving/unit circle skills, I probably neglected to do any questions (or assign any, for that matter), that have anything to do with radian measures as decimals. Question 10 on your tests did indeed instruct you to provide your solutions as radian measures, but as Anna so politely stated, "It sort of doesn't seem right to have to learn to do that for the first time on the test." I agree. Question 8, I believe, also had an instruction to use the interval [0, 2pi]. In that case, I have more of a leg to stand on after looking specifically at the answer key to Exercise #4, but the important points are thus:
1. If you feel like you got a raw deal somewhere, sometime, the easy thing to do is complain and be grumpy and never address the issue with someone who can make a difference. The hard thing to do is to state your case convincingly while retaining your composure and some measure of grace. Anna did all of that, admirably.
2. As students, you all have a right to be evaluated fairly and consistently. I take that pretty seriously.
3. You need to go on to your post-secondary studies with the idea that a positive attitude and a sense of humour are at least as important as pure aptitude. The world is full of successful people who understand this very well...
Hope to see you tomorrow to deliver the good news in person (and change a few of your test scores)...
Until then...
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