Well, I didn't make it to school today but through the wonder of the World Wide Web, I can still be the scribe. If anything important math-related happened to occur today, I would ask that one of my classmates would share it, either with a comment or a separate blog post. I found this picture on the Internet and thought it somewhat applicable.
I think Luke summarized yesterday's class fairly well so I don't need to add much to that. The one other thing I was going to mention is that Mr. Maksymchuk has handed out Accelerated Math sheets to us and he also gave us the scantron sheets. I think everyone understands how to use a scantron sheet, but just in case someone doesn't, I'll give a few pointers. Remember to use pencil only! A good idea is to write your name on it first, then fill in if it is a practice, exercise, or test, then fill in the numbers from the top of your question sheet. After that, it's a simple matter of filling in the answers from your sheet.
Something else I would like to point out is that Mr. Maksymchuk added a window (I think that's the proper blogger term to use) into another Grade 12 Precalc blog. I would advise everyone to check it out as it is an excellent blog (as is ours) and I think it has a lot of good stuff on it.
For the questions assigned from Exercises 5 and 6, I had to use the answer key for the first couple of questions because I either didn't know or had forgotten what "general solution" meant. Here's the dictionary.com definition:
general solution
–noun Mathematics.
a solution to a differential equation that contains arbitrary, unevaluated constants
–noun Mathematics.
a solution to a differential equation that contains arbitrary, unevaluated constants
Basically, it means the whole solution, not just the solution over a set interval. Or that is my understanding of it.
If anyone has any questions or suggestions about making my post better, please leave a comment and I'll try to get on it ASAP.
Isn't the internet great?
Do you think the honeymoon is still on for oldsters like myself....I remember the hard drive on my first home PC had a 250 MB (yes, MB) hard drive (yes, hard drive)...now I have a 512 MB flash drive hanging on my key chain....What a world...
Thanks so much for your above-average communication skills, your sincerity, and your smile. Have a great day whenever you read this...
A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates functions and/or its derivatives to each other, so your dictionary definition of a general solution is a little off; it is not a very general definition, so to say. ;)
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