Today in class Mr. Maksymchuk explained some more about the Unit Circle. He got us thinking in terms of sinΘ - referring to Y, cosΘ - referring to X, and tanΘ - X/Y. The class was also introduced to more radian measure and learning to think about what quadrants they apply to. While we were reviewing the unit circle we found it handy to think in proportional triangles to find the values for sin, cos, tan etc... We also talked about calculating cosecant, secant, and cotangent.
CscΘ=1/sinΘ, SecΘ=1/cosΘ, and CotΘ=Y/X.
This picture is continued from the picture above. Here we were just applying signs to values in terms of quadrants and the location of the coordinates.
This is a similar question to the one above where we discovered that Theta was in quadrant II because Sin > 0. Therefore sin is "+" and because tangent is a negative value, it cannot be quadrant one because X and Y are both positive.
Remember, here is todays assignment and there is tutoring after school until ten to five with Mr. Maksymchuk.
1 comment:
Cramer....Wow. You've set the bar high for scribe posting in the class, and your classmates are lucky that you're here with them. I especially like the care and attention that you've taken to look up funny symbols for theta and also to comment directly on the screen shots that you've posted. Your language skills also make this post easy to read and learn from.
Really, really, valuable stuff you've created here.
Good on you...Enjoy your semester. I'm glad you're here with us...
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