Thursday, May 29, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Infinite Geometric Series

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
And finally, the homework....yaaaay. Ex. 46, 1-11
Oh! One more yay!(this one not so sarcastic) There is only one more day of new stuff to learn! Then its review until the exam.
Exam Countdown: 12 Days
Monday, May 26, 2008
May 26th

By this time in my post I am starting to become extremely irritable because stupid blogger doesn't put my pictures where I want them.. or in the right order.
Anyways, the next three slides are perfect examples of what the formulas are, what each variable means, how formulas are used to find each term in a geometric sequence, or how to find the rate at which you are multiplying them.

Below are three more slides of how to use the formulas that are given, in the proper way. Mr Max showed us how to take the question given and use all parts of it to set up ratios that helped solve the problem. As you can see.. you may need a calculator to do some of the arithmetic so beware.

So.. the assignment today is Exercise 45 #1-7.
Remember there is a homework check in the near future so be sure to have all of the cumulative exercises done!
Keep working hard on accelerated math.
(signature here)
Friday, May 23, 2008
Yet Another Eventless Scribe Day...
It would probably also be prudent to practice for the Final Exam.
Oh yes, and one last thing: badgers!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Concluding Probability

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Tuesday, May 20
So we began todays class by making a schedule for the rest of the classes leading up to the exam. Not a whole lot of learnin left until we begin review.. Time flies! Anyway the calender below shows what we have left and that we will still be having a test three days before the exam and hopefully 5 days of review can be squeezed in.

The last of the probability examples were shown today as Max showed us some conditional probability problems.

Here are the final cumalitive exercises on probability assigned. And he has yet to do a homework check on exercises 39-41. So make sure you're up to date on all your assignments and be sure to look at your pre-test as we have a test coming up!! If your not quite sick of math yet then there are also the old exams which I strongly encourage everyone to take a peek at.
Farewell! Until next time...
Friday, May 16, 2008
Complementry events
Thursday, May 15
Well anyway yesterday we continued probability and learned about dependent and independent events.

A dependent event means the outcome of the first event will effect the outcome of the second event.

Two mutually inclusive events can happen at the same time.

Sincerely yours...