Monday, May 26, 2008

May 26th


Today Mr Max started off the class my explaining that there is no accelerated math deadline for this weeks Friday. There will be a deadline for all accelerated math to be done though so keep working hard on it..

After hearing that good news, Mr Max continued into a new unit of Geometric Sequences. First of all he described to us what a geometric sequence was. He did this by explaining what they were recursively and explicitly.. see the below slide for more info

If this doesn't make sense to you.. it is just that a geometric sequence is a line of numbers that are generated by multiplying the previous number by a common ratio. For example, take a gander at the slide below and it should help you out.

By this time in my post I am starting to become extremely irritable because stupid blogger doesn't put my pictures where I want them.. or in the right order.

Anyways, the next three slides are perfect examples of what the formulas are, what each variable means, how formulas are used to find each term in a geometric sequence, or how to find the rate at which you are multiplying them.

Below are three more slides of how to use the formulas that are given, in the proper way. Mr Max showed us how to take the question given and use all parts of it to set up ratios that helped solve the problem. As you can see.. you may need a calculator to do some of the arithmetic so beware.

So.. the assignment today is Exercise 45 #1-7.

Remember there is a homework check in the near future so be sure to have all of the cumulative exercises done!

Keep working hard on accelerated math.


(signature here)


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