Class started with a homework check, then since it was a short block we got straight to business.
Today Max taught perms and combs( not the ones having to do with hair).

Above is just the "basics" of what were sposed to already know, on the top half of the page, and on the bottom is the definiton of the Fundamental Counting Principle.

This very sad bear is an example of combinations, How many outfits does the bear have?..Answer is 6.. not five.. you multiply the # of shirts by the # of pants.

This explains factorial notation.. the example he said was that 5! does not mean 5(said really loudly) but instead means 5x4x3x2x1 or 120.

Those are differences between permutations and combinations. One of the main points there is to remember that with permutations ORDER DOES MATTER, and with combinations ORDER DOESN'T MATTER.

And, of course, class ended with homework.
If it relieves anyone's stress note that he is NOT checkin tomorrow.
And finally i'd like you to meet a friend of mine..

Peace out
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